How To Fix A Bent License Plate?

Fixing a bent license plate is simple. First, remove the plate from the vehicle. Then, gently straighten it using your hands or a rubber mallet. Finally, reattach it securely to your car.

Is your license plate looking bent and battered? Don’t let a simple issue ruin the look of your car.

Fix A Bent License Plate?Learn how to fix a bent license plate quickly and easily with our step-by-step guide. Transform your vehicle’s appearance and drive with confidence today.

Fixing a bent license plate is a quick and easy task. Start by removing the plate from your car. Use your hands or a rubber mallet to gently straighten it. Once flat, reattach the license plate securely.

Why Do People Bend Their License Plates?

People sometimes bend their license plates to avoid detection by traffic cameras or toll booths. By altering the angle of the plate, they hope to prevent cameras from capturing a clear image of their vehicle’s registration number. This can be an attempt to avoid speeding tickets, toll fees, or other violations.

However, bending a license plate is illegal and can result in fines or other penalties. It also makes it harder for law enforcement and others to identify the vehicle if needed. Keeping your license plates when selling a car visible and legible is important for safety and legal reasons.

How Important To Keep Your License Plates From Bending

How Important To Keep Your License Plates From Bending

Keeping your license plates from bending is crucial for several reasons. A bent license plate can be difficult to read, which can cause issues with law enforcement and automated systems like traffic cameras and toll booths. Clear and legible plates ensure that your vehicle is properly identified, helping to avoid unnecessary fines or complications.

Additionally, maintaining straight and undamaged license plates is important for the overall appearance of your vehicle. A bent plate can make your car look neglected and unkempt. By ensuring your plates remain in good condition, you contribute to the safety, legality, and aesthetics of your vehicle.

How To Keep License Plates From Bending?

To keep your license plates from bending, start by using sturdy license plate frames or covers. These provide extra support and protection, preventing the plates from bending due to minor impacts or pressure. Additionally, ensure the screws and bolts holding the plates are tight and secure, so the plates don’t shift or get damaged while driving.

Regularly check your license plates for any signs of wear or damage. If you notice any bending or weakness, address it immediately by straightening the plate and reinforcing it if necessary. By taking these simple steps, you can keep your license plates in good condition and avoid issues related to bent or damaged plates.

How To Fix A Bent License Plate

How To Fix A Bent License Plate

Fixing a bent license plate is a simple process. First, remove the plate from your car by unscrewing the bolts or screws holding it in place. Once the plate is off, place it on a flat, sturdy surface. Use your hands to gently press the bent areas back into shape, or use a rubber mallet for more stubborn bends. Be careful not to apply too much force to avoid cracking or further damaging the plate.

After straightening the plate, check for any sharp edges or cracks that might have formed. If the plate is smooth and flat, reattach it securely to your vehicle using the original screws or bolts. Ensuring your license plate is flat and legible helps maintain the appearance of your car and keeps you compliant with legal requirements.

Unscrew the plate

To unscrew the plate, you’ll need a screwdriver that matches the type of screws used on your license plate, typically either a Phillips or flathead screwdriver. Start by locating the screws at each corner of the license plate. Turn the screws counterclockwise to loosen and remove them. Make sure to keep the screws in a safe place so you can easily reattach the plate later.

Separate the damaged plate

To separate the damaged plate, first, unscrew the license plate from your vehicle using a suitable screwdriver. Carefully turn the screws counterclockwise until they come out, and keep them in a safe spot for reattachment later. Gently lift the plate away from the car, being cautious not to bend it further during removal.

Put it on a wooden board

Putting the license plate on a wooden board provides a stable and flat surface for any necessary repairs or adjustments. Lay the wooden board on a level area, ensuring it’s large enough to accommodate the entire license plate. Placing the plate on the board makes it easier to work on, whether you’re straightening a bent plate or applying touch-up paint.

Stretching it out

Stretching out a license plate involves carefully straightening any bent or warped areas to restore its original shape. To begin, place the bent plate on a flat and sturdy surface, such as a wooden board, to provide support. Using gentle pressure, slowly manipulate the bent sections back into position, being careful not to apply too much force to avoid causing damage.

Handling the number

How Much Are New License Plates?

How Much Are New License Plates?

The cost of new license plates varies by state, typically ranging from $20 to $60. Additional fees might apply depending on the type of plate and vehicle registration specifics.

In some states, specialty or vanity plates can cost significantly more, often between $50 and $200. It’s important to check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, as fees and regulations can change frequently.

how much does it cost to fix a bent license plate

how much does it cost to fix a bent license plate

Fixing a bent license plate typically costs between $10 and $50, depending on the severity of the damage and whether you do it yourself or hire a professional. DIY solutions are usually cheaper, involving tools like pliers and a rubber mallet, while professional repairs or replacements may be more expensive.

For minor bends, you can straighten the plate yourself using basic tools found around the house, keeping costs minimal. However, if the plate is severely damaged or you prefer a flawless repair, visiting an auto shop might be necessary, which could increase the expense.

is a bent license plate illegal

is a bent license plate illegal

A bent license plate is illegal in many jurisdictions because it can obstruct the visibility of the plate’s numbers and letters. Ensuring license plates are clearly readable is crucial for identification and law enforcement purposes.

bent license plate human trafficking

A bent license plate can be a red flag for human trafficking, as traffickers often tamper with vehicle identification to avoid detection. Observing and reporting such anomalies could help authorities intervene and rescue victims.

license plate cover to prevent bending

A bent license plate can be a red flag for human trafficking, as traffickers often tamper with vehicle identification to avoid detection. Observing and reporting such anomalies could help authorities intervene and rescue victims.

how to fix license plate

A bent license plate can be a red flag for human trafficking, as traffickers often tamper with vehicle identification to avoid detection. Observing and reporting such anomalies could help authorities intervene and rescue victims.


How do you fix a hole in a number plate?
Use epoxy or a number plate repair kit to fill the hole, then sand it smooth and repaint if necessary.

What type of screw for license plate?
Stainless steel screws are recommended as they are durable and rust-resistant.

How to get a stuck license plate off?
Apply penetrating oil to the screws and use a screwdriver or wrench to carefully loosen them.

What tool is used to remove license plate bolts?
A flathead or Phillips screwdriver, or a wrench, depending on the type of bolts used.

Can plates be repaired?
Yes, minor damage can be repaired with appropriate tools and materials, but severely damaged plates may need replacement.


To fix a bent license plate, first, remove it from your vehicle using a screwdriver or wrench. Place the plate on a flat surface and gently straighten it with a rubber mallet or by applying even pressure with your hands. If the plate has creases, you can use a pair of pliers to carefully bend it back into shape.

Once the plate is flat, you can reinforce its edges with duct tape or a similar material to prevent future bending. Reattach the plate to your vehicle securely using the appropriate screws. Regularly check your license plate for any signs of bending or damage to ensure it remains visible and compliant with legal requirements

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